The Birds (1963) is an ambiguous, multi-faceted film.  On the one hand, it is a psychological drama about human frailty and personal growth in the face of powerful natural forces.  On the other hand, it is a mix of science fiction, horror, and fantasy – a precursor to the Academy-Award-winning Jaws.  The setting for the movie is a recurring theme in Hitchcock’s work:  a small provincial town that is only a short drive from the big city, but seems to be a world away.”

Today, the movie is 60 years old this year, and yet it still holds great allure for audiences.

Here is a recent exposé by the news station KPIX in the Bay Area, that includes interviews with Aaron Leventhal, co-author of Footsteps In The Fog.

Celebrating The Bird’s at Age 60, with commentary by Aaron Leventhal.

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